Howard V. Levine, Principal, is a registered architect, holds licenses to practice architecture in 14 States, and has over 45 years of experience in architecture and business management. Howard holds an Associate Degree in Architectural Engineering Technology, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Architectural Engineering from Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA.
Following graduation, Howard studied architectural design for 6 years at the Boston Architectural Center. He gained much of his experience in design and business development working in the Architecture, Design and Construction Department of the Howard Johnson Company, Braintree, MA, (1974-1984) which specialized in the restaurant and hospitality industry.
In 1984, he formed his own architectural firm, Howard Levine Design Associates, and in 1990 along with Charles Cramer, Cramer Levine & Company, Architects was established. Charles Cramer has since retired and the Cramer Levine & Company, Architects has continued to thrive.
Active in his community of Sharon, MA, Howard has been on the Board of Directors and was co-chairperson of the House Committee for Temple Israel and has served on both the Town of Sharon Designer Selection Committee and the Sacred Heart Dormitory Reutilization Committee.